Konstanty Sumorok
AuthID: R-00G-0ES
TITLE: The run control system of the CMS experiment Full Text
AUTHORS: Bauer, G; Boyer, V; Branson, J; Brett, A; Cano, E; Carboni, A; Ciganek, M; Cittolin, S; O'dell, V; Erhan, S; Gigi, D; Glege, F; Gomez Reino, R; Gulmini, M; Gutleber, J; Kim, JC; Klute, M; Lipeles, E; Perez, JAL; Maron, G; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, VOLUME: 119, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Bauer, G; Boyer, V; Branson, J; Brett, A; Cano, E; Carboni, A; Ciganek, M; Cittolin, S; O'dell, V; Erhan, S; Gigi, D; Glege, F; Gomez Reino, R; Gulmini, M; Gutleber, J; Kim, JC; Klute, M; Lipeles, E; Perez, JAL; Maron, G; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, VOLUME: 119, ISSUE: 2

TITLE: High level trigger configuration and handling of trigger tables in the CMS filter farm Full Text
AUTHORS: Bauer, G; Behrens, U; Boyer, V; Branson, J; Brett, A; Cano, E; Carboni, A; Ciganek, M; Cittolin, S; O'dell, V; Erhan, S; Gigi, D; Glege, F; G-Reino, R; Gulmini, M; Gutleber, J; Hollar, J; Lange, D; Kim, JC; Klute, M; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, VOLUME: 119, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Bauer, G; Behrens, U; Boyer, V; Branson, J; Brett, A; Cano, E; Carboni, A; Ciganek, M; Cittolin, S; O'dell, V; Erhan, S; Gigi, D; Glege, F; G-Reino, R; Gulmini, M; Gutleber, J; Hollar, J; Lange, D; Kim, JC; Klute, M; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, VOLUME: 119, ISSUE: 2

TITLE: Flexible custom designs for CMS DAQ Full Text
AUTHORS: Roberta Arcidiacono; Gerry Bauer; Vincent Boyer; Angela Brett; Eric Cano; Andrea Carboni; Marek Ciganek; Sergio Cittolin; Samim Erhan; Dominique Gigi; Frank Glege; Robert Gomez Reino Garrido; Michele Gulmini; Johannes Gutleber; Claude Jacobs; Gaetano Maron; Frans Meijers; Emilio Meschi; Steven Murray; Alexander Oh; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2007, SOURCE: 10th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors in NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, VOLUME: 172
AUTHORS: Roberta Arcidiacono; Gerry Bauer; Vincent Boyer; Angela Brett; Eric Cano; Andrea Carboni; Marek Ciganek; Sergio Cittolin; Samim Erhan; Dominique Gigi; Frank Glege; Robert Gomez Reino Garrido; Michele Gulmini; Johannes Gutleber; Claude Jacobs; Gaetano Maron; Frans Meijers; Emilio Meschi; Steven Murray; Alexander Oh; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2007, SOURCE: 10th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors in NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, VOLUME: 172
TITLE: The 2 Tbps "data to surface" system of the CMS data acquisition
AUTHORS: Arcidiacono, R; Brigljevic, V; Bruno, G; Cano, E; Cittolin, S; Erhan, S; Gigi, D; Glege, F; Garrido, RGR; Gulmini, M; Gutleber, J; Jacobs, C; Kreuzer, P; Lo Presti, G; De Abril, IM; Marinelli, N; Maron, G; Meijers, F; Meschi, E; Murray, S; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 2005 14TH IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference in 2005 14TH IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference, VOLUME: 2005
AUTHORS: Arcidiacono, R; Brigljevic, V; Bruno, G; Cano, E; Cittolin, S; Erhan, S; Gigi, D; Glege, F; Garrido, RGR; Gulmini, M; Gutleber, J; Jacobs, C; Kreuzer, P; Lo Presti, G; De Abril, IM; Marinelli, N; Maron, G; Meijers, F; Meschi, E; Murray, S; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 2005 14TH IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference in 2005 14TH IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference, VOLUME: 2005