Mar??A A. Ranaudo
AuthID: R-00G-21X
TITLE: Importance of asphaltene aggregation in solution in determining the adsorption of this sample on mineral surfaces Full Text
AUTHORS: Socrates Acevedo; Marı́a A Ranaudo; Coromoto Garcı́a; Jimmy Castillo; Alberto Fernández; Manuel Caetano; Sonia Goncalvez;
PUBLISHED: 2000, SOURCE: Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, VOLUME: 166, ISSUE: 1-3
AUTHORS: Socrates Acevedo; Marı́a A Ranaudo; Coromoto Garcı́a; Jimmy Castillo; Alberto Fernández; Manuel Caetano; Sonia Goncalvez;
PUBLISHED: 2000, SOURCE: Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, VOLUME: 166, ISSUE: 1-3