TITLE: European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012): The Fifth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts) * Developed with the special contribution of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation (EACPR)
AUTHORS: Perk, J; De Backer, G; Gohlke, H; Graham, I; Reiner, Z; Verschuren, M; Albus, C; Benlian, P; Boysen, G; Cifkova, R; Deaton, C; Ebrahim, S; Fisher, M; Germano, G; Hobbs, R; Hoes, A; Karadeniz, S; Mezzani, A; Prescott, E; Ryden, L; Scherer, M; Syvanne, M; Scholte Op Reimer, WJM; Vrints, C; Wood, D; Zamorano, JL; Zannad, F; Cooney, MT; Bax, J; Baumgartner, H; Ceconi, C; Dean, V; Deaton, C; Fagard, R; Funck-Brentano, C; Hasdai, D; Hoes, A; Kirchhof, P; Knuuti, J; Kolh, P; McDonagh, T; Moulin, C; Popescu, BA; Reiner, Z; Sechtem, U; Sirnes, PA; Tendera, M; Torbicki, A; Vahanian, A; Windecker, S; Funck-Brentano, C; Sirnes, PA; Aboyans, V; Ezquerra, EA; Baigent, C; Brotons, C; Burell, G; Ceriello, A; De Sutter, J; Deckers, J; Del Prato, S; H.-C Diener; Fitzsimons, D; Fras, Z; Hambrecht, R; Jankowski, P; Keil, U; Kirby, M; Larsen, ML; Mancia, G; Manolis, AJ; McMurray, J; Pajak, A; Parkhomenko, A; Rallidis, L; Rigo, F; Rocha, E; Ruilope, LM; van der Velde, E; Vanuzzo, D; Viigimaa, M; Volpe, M; Wiklund, O; Wolpert, C; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: European Heart Journal, VOLUME: 33, ISSUE: 13