TITLE: <title>The EPICS project for the European Extremely Large Telescope: outcome of the Planet Finder concept study for OWL</title>
AUTHORS: Vérinaud, C; Hubin, N; Kasper, M; Antichi, J; Baudoz, P; J.-L Beuzit; Boccaletti, A; Chalabaev, A; Dohlen, K; Fedrigo, E; Correia Da Silva, C; Feldt, M; Fusco, T; Gandorfer, A; Gratton, R; Kuntschner, H; Kerber, F; Lenzen, R; Martinez, P; Le Coarer, E; Longmore, A; Mouillet, D; Navarro, R; Paillet, J; Rabou, P; Rahoui, F; Selsis, F; Schmid, HM; Soummer, R; Stam, D; Thalmann, C; Tinbergen, J; Turatto, M; Yaitskova, N; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Advances in Adaptive Optics II