D. M. D. A. Melo
AuthID: R-00G-9AQ
TITLE: Microwave assisted self-combustion synthesis and electrochemical performance of LSCF-SDC composite cathodes
AUTHORS: Macedo, DAD; Cesario, MR; Melo, DMDA; Nascimento, RM; Paskocimas, CA; Martinelli, AE; Fagg, DP;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Symposium on Nanotechnology General Session held during the 223rd Meeting of the Electrochemical-Society (ECS) in NANOTECHNOLOGY (GENERAL) - 223RD ECS MEETING, VOLUME: 53, ISSUE: 22
AUTHORS: Macedo, DAD; Cesario, MR; Melo, DMDA; Nascimento, RM; Paskocimas, CA; Martinelli, AE; Fagg, DP;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Symposium on Nanotechnology General Session held during the 223rd Meeting of the Electrochemical-Society (ECS) in NANOTECHNOLOGY (GENERAL) - 223RD ECS MEETING, VOLUME: 53, ISSUE: 22
TITLE: Effect of the Acid Environment on the Electrochemical Behaviour of 1045 Steel Reinforced Cement
AUTHORS: Ana Cecilia Vieira da Nóbrega; Luís Augusto Sousa Marques Rocha; Edith Ariza Avila; Antonio Eduardo Martinelli; Dulce Maria de Araújo Melo; Maria das Vitórias Vieira Almeida de Sá;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Materials Science Forum - MSF, VOLUME: 730-732
AUTHORS: Ana Cecilia Vieira da Nóbrega; Luís Augusto Sousa Marques Rocha; Edith Ariza Avila; Antonio Eduardo Martinelli; Dulce Maria de Araújo Melo; Maria das Vitórias Vieira Almeida de Sá;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Materials Science Forum - MSF, VOLUME: 730-732