TITLE: Study of astrophysically important states in Si-26 with the p(Si-27,Si-26*)d reaction and the p(Al-25,p)Al-25 elastic scattering  Full Text
AUTHORS: Chen, J; Chen, AA; Schatz, H; Kubono, S; Reyes, AB; Smith, A; Wales, B; Ouellet, C; Kahl, D; Redondo, DG; Lorusso, G; LeNestour, J; Conca, JP; Smith, K; Amthor, M; Matos, M; Yamaguchi, H; Iwasa, N; Hayakawa, S; Michimasa, S; Teranishi, T; Kurihawa, Y; Wakabayashi, Y; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 10th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2009) in NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, VOLUME: 834, ISSUE: 1-4
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