N. R. P. Harris
AuthID: R-00G-SDX
TITLE: An overview of the HIBISCUS campaign Full Text
AUTHORS: Pommereau, JP; Garnier, A; Held, G; Gomes, AM ; Goutail, F; Durry, G; Borchi, F; Hauchecorne, A; Montoux, N; Cocquerez, P; Letrenne, G; Vial, F; Hertzog, A; Legras, B; Pisso, I; Pyle, JA; Harris, NRP; Jones, RL; Robinson, AD; Hansford, G; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, VOLUME: 11, ISSUE: 5
AUTHORS: Pommereau, JP; Garnier, A; Held, G; Gomes, AM ; Goutail, F; Durry, G; Borchi, F; Hauchecorne, A; Montoux, N; Cocquerez, P; Letrenne, G; Vial, F; Hertzog, A; Legras, B; Pisso, I; Pyle, JA; Harris, NRP; Jones, RL; Robinson, AD; Hansford, G; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, VOLUME: 11, ISSUE: 5