B. Gum?-Audenis
AuthID: R-00G-SPK
TITLE: Custom AFM for X-ray beamlines: in situ biological investigations under physiological conditions Full Text
AUTHORS: Gumí-Audenis, B; Carlà, F; Vitorino, MV; Panzarella, A; Porcar, L; Boilot, M; Guerber, S; Bernard, P; Rodrigues, MS; Sanz, F; Giannotti, MI; Costa, L;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: J Synchrotron Radiat - Journal of Synchrotron Radiation - J Synchrotron Rad, VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 6
AUTHORS: Gumí-Audenis, B; Carlà, F; Vitorino, MV; Panzarella, A; Porcar, L; Boilot, M; Guerber, S; Bernard, P; Rodrigues, MS; Sanz, F; Giannotti, MI; Costa, L;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: J Synchrotron Radiat - Journal of Synchrotron Radiation - J Synchrotron Rad, VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 6