N. Baykut
AuthID: R-00G-W4M
TITLE: Analysis of the fluid-structure interaction of a composite motor yacht
AUTHORS: Bagbanci, H; Baykut, N; Oktem, AS; Guedes Soares, C;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 1st International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering, MARTECH 2011 in Maritime Engineering and Technology - Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering, MARTECH 2011
AUTHORS: Bagbanci, H; Baykut, N; Oktem, AS; Guedes Soares, C;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 1st International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering, MARTECH 2011 in Maritime Engineering and Technology - Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering, MARTECH 2011