P. Knijnenburg
AuthID: R-00G-W4X
TITLE: Editorial message for the special track on embedded systems: Applications, solutions, and techniques. applications, solutions, and techniques Full Text
AUTHORS: Bechini, A; Bodin, F; Prete, CA; Bartolini, S; Buttazzo, G; Cardoso, JMP ; Dang, T; Engels, M; Foglia, P; Giorgi, R; Jha, NK; Knijnenburg, P; Krall, A; Kuo, TW; Ledeczi, A; Liu, J; Memik, G; O'Boyle, M; Schants, R; Sips, HJ; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, VOLUME: 1
AUTHORS: Bechini, A; Bodin, F; Prete, CA; Bartolini, S; Buttazzo, G; Cardoso, JMP ; Dang, T; Engels, M; Foglia, P; Giorgi, R; Jha, NK; Knijnenburg, P; Krall, A; Kuo, TW; Ledeczi, A; Liu, J; Memik, G; O'Boyle, M; Schants, R; Sips, HJ; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, VOLUME: 1