A. Di Stefani
AuthID: R-00H-0NC
TITLE: Multicentre study on inflammatory skin diseases from The International Confocal Working Group: specific confocal microscopy features and an algorithmic method of diagnosis Full Text
AUTHORS: Ardigo, M; Longo, C; Gonzalez, S; Agozzino, M; Debarbieux, S; Di Stefani, A; Gerittsen, MJ; Gill, M; Hofmann Wellenhof, R; Kline, M; Malvehy, J; Menezes, N; Moscarella, E; Pellacani, G; Puig, S; Rao, B; Rao, B; Segura, S; Soyer, P; Stanganelli, I; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: British Journal of Dermatology, VOLUME: 175, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Ardigo, M; Longo, C; Gonzalez, S; Agozzino, M; Debarbieux, S; Di Stefani, A; Gerittsen, MJ; Gill, M; Hofmann Wellenhof, R; Kline, M; Malvehy, J; Menezes, N; Moscarella, E; Pellacani, G; Puig, S; Rao, B; Rao, B; Segura, S; Soyer, P; Stanganelli, I; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: British Journal of Dermatology, VOLUME: 175, ISSUE: 2