TITLE: Ultra Steep Spectrum Radio Sources in the Lockman Hole: SERVS Identifications and Redshift Distribution at the Faintest Radio Fluxes
AUTHORS: Bizzocchi, L; Afonso, J; Ibar, E; Grossi, M; Simpson, C; Chapman, S; Jarvis, MJ; Rottgering, H; Norris, RP; Dunlop, J; Ivison, RJ; Messias, H; Pforr, J; Vaccari, M; Seymour, N; Best, P; Gonz, E; Farrah, D; Huang, JS; Lacy, M; Marastron, C; Marchetti, L; Mauduit, JC; Oliver, S; Rigopoulou, D; Stanford, SA; Surace, J; Zeimann, G; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting (JENAM)/18th Annual Meeting of the European-Astronomical-Society/20th Annual Portuguese Meeting of Astronomy and Astrophysics/Symposium 7 - Square Kilometre Array (SKA) in SQUARE KILOMETRE ARRAY: PAVING THE WAY FOR THE NEW 21ST CENTURY RADIO ASTRONOMY PARADIGM: PROCEEDINGS OF SYMPOSIUM 7 OF JENAM 2010
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