TITLE: Regulation by CD25+ lymphocytes of autoantigen-specific T-cell responses in Goodpasture's (anti-GBM) disease  Full Text
AUTHORS: Salama, AD; Chaudhry, AN; Holthaus, KA; Mosley, K; Kalluri, R; Sayegh, MH; Lechler, RI; Pusey, CD; Lightstone, L;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: Kidney International, VOLUME: 64, ISSUE: 5
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TITLE: Extracellular Matrix-derived Peptide Binds to αvβ 3 Integrin and Inhibits Angiogenesis
AUTHORS: Maeshima, Y; Yerramalla, UL; Dhanabal, M; Holthaus, KA; Barbashov, S; Kharbanda, S; Reimer, C; Manfredi, M; Dickerson, WM; Kalluri, R;
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: Journal of Biological Chemistry, VOLUME: 276, ISSUE: 34
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