P. Vethamony
AuthID: R-00H-DMG
TITLE: Estimating absolute sea level variations by combining GNSS and Tide gauge data Full Text
AUTHORS: Bos, MS; Fernandes, RMS; Vethamony, P; Mehra, P;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 5th Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering (INCHOE) in INDIAN JOURNAL OF GEO-MARINE SCIENCES, VOLUME: 43, ISSUE: 7
AUTHORS: Bos, MS; Fernandes, RMS; Vethamony, P; Mehra, P;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 5th Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering (INCHOE) in INDIAN JOURNAL OF GEO-MARINE SCIENCES, VOLUME: 43, ISSUE: 7