A. Feitas
AuthID: R-00H-DT6
TITLE: Homocysteine as a risk factor of atherosclerotic lesion
AUTHORS: Rosa Vilares Santos ; Freitas, J; Macedo, M; Monteiro, A; Belo, L ; Rebelo, I ; Castro, E; Feitas, A;
PUBLISHED: 2002, SOURCE: 73rd Annual Congress of the European-Atherosclerosis-Society in ATHEROSCLEROSIS: RISK FACTORS, DIAGNOSIS, AND TREATMENT
AUTHORS: Rosa Vilares Santos ; Freitas, J; Macedo, M; Monteiro, A; Belo, L ; Rebelo, I ; Castro, E; Feitas, A;
PUBLISHED: 2002, SOURCE: 73rd Annual Congress of the European-Atherosclerosis-Society in ATHEROSCLEROSIS: RISK FACTORS, DIAGNOSIS, AND TREATMENT