A. Rodr?Guez Torres
AuthID: R-00H-GNM
TITLE: A phytosociological review of siliceous sedges in C-W Spain and their state of conservation based on diversity indices
AUTHORS: Cano, E; Musarella, CM; Cano Ortiz, A; Piñar, JC; Pinto Gomes, CJ; Rodríguez Torres, A; Spampinato, G;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: Plant Sociology, VOLUME: 54, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Cano, E; Musarella, CM; Cano Ortiz, A; Piñar, JC; Pinto Gomes, CJ; Rodríguez Torres, A; Spampinato, G;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: Plant Sociology, VOLUME: 54, ISSUE: 2