TITLE: New particle formation in the sulfuric acid-dimethylamine-water system: Reevaluation of CLOUD chamber measurements and comparison to an aerosol nucleation and growth model
AUTHORS: Kürten, A; Li, C; Bianchi, F; Curtius, J; Dias, A; Donahue, NM; Duplissy, J; Flagan, RC; Hakala, J; Jokinen, T; Kirkby, J; Kulmala, M; Laaksonen, A; Lehtipalo, K; Makhmutov, V; Onnela, A; Rissanen, MP; Simon, M; Sipilä, M; Stozhkov, Y; Tröstl, J; Ye, P; McMurry, PH; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, VOLUME: 18, ISSUE: 2