Jacobus Bernardus de Vaal
AuthID: R-00H-JJS
TITLE: OC5 Project Phase II: Validation of Global Loads of the DeepCwind Floating Semisubmersible Wind Turbine
AUTHORS: Amy N Robertson; Fabian Wendt; Jason M Jonkman; Wojciech Popko; Habib Dagher; Sebastien Gueydon; Jacob Qvist; Felip Vittori; Jose Azcona; Emre Uzunoglu; Carlos Guedes Soares; Rob Harries; Anders Yde; Christos Galinos; Koen Hermans; Jacobus Bernardus de Vaal; Pauline Bozonnet; Ludovic Bouy; Ilmas Bayati; Roger Bergua; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 14th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R and D Conference (EERA DeepWind) in 14TH DEEP SEA OFFSHORE WIND R&D CONFERENCE, EERA DEEPWIND'2017, VOLUME: 137
AUTHORS: Amy N Robertson; Fabian Wendt; Jason M Jonkman; Wojciech Popko; Habib Dagher; Sebastien Gueydon; Jacob Qvist; Felip Vittori; Jose Azcona; Emre Uzunoglu; Carlos Guedes Soares; Rob Harries; Anders Yde; Christos Galinos; Koen Hermans; Jacobus Bernardus de Vaal; Pauline Bozonnet; Ludovic Bouy; Ilmas Bayati; Roger Bergua; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 14th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R and D Conference (EERA DeepWind) in 14TH DEEP SEA OFFSHORE WIND R&D CONFERENCE, EERA DEEPWIND'2017, VOLUME: 137