Eva M. dos Santos
AuthID: R-00H-N3N
TITLE: Variability monitoring of OB stars during the Mons campaign
AUTHORS: Thierry Morel; Gregor Rauw; Thomas Eversberg; Filipe Alves; Wolfgang Arnold; Thomas Bergmann; Nelson G C Correia Viegas; Remi Fahed; Alberto Fernando; Luis F G Gouveia Carreira; Thomas Hunger; Johan H Knapen; Robin Leadbeater; Filipe Marques Dias; Anthony F J Moffat; Norbert Reinecke; Jose Ribeiro; Nando Romeo; Jose Sanchez Gallego; Eva M dos Santos; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 272nd Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union on Active OB Stars: Structure, Evolution, Mass-Loss, and Critical Limits in ACTIVE OB STARS: STRUCTURE, EVOLUTION, MASS-LOSS, AND CRITICAL LIMITS, VOLUME: 6, ISSUE: 272
AUTHORS: Thierry Morel; Gregor Rauw; Thomas Eversberg; Filipe Alves; Wolfgang Arnold; Thomas Bergmann; Nelson G C Correia Viegas; Remi Fahed; Alberto Fernando; Luis F G Gouveia Carreira; Thomas Hunger; Johan H Knapen; Robin Leadbeater; Filipe Marques Dias; Anthony F J Moffat; Norbert Reinecke; Jose Ribeiro; Nando Romeo; Jose Sanchez Gallego; Eva M dos Santos; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 272nd Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union on Active OB Stars: Structure, Evolution, Mass-Loss, and Critical Limits in ACTIVE OB STARS: STRUCTURE, EVOLUTION, MASS-LOSS, AND CRITICAL LIMITS, VOLUME: 6, ISSUE: 272