W. Hendershot
AuthID: R-00H-PEA
TITLE: Derivation of ecologically based soil standards for trace elements
AUTHORS: McLaughlin, MJ; Lofts, S; Warne, MSJ; Amorim, MJB; Fairbrother, A; Lanno, R; Hendershot, W; Schlekat, CE; Ma, Y; Paton, GI;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Soil Quality Standards for Trace Elements: Derivation, Implementation, and Interpretation
AUTHORS: McLaughlin, MJ; Lofts, S; Warne, MSJ; Amorim, MJB; Fairbrother, A; Lanno, R; Hendershot, W; Schlekat, CE; Ma, Y; Paton, GI;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Soil Quality Standards for Trace Elements: Derivation, Implementation, and Interpretation