V. Parsoya
AuthID: R-00H-TBK
TITLE: Round robin study on spectral fatigue assessment of butt-welded joints
AUTHORS: Rörup, J; Garbatov, Y; Dong, Y; Uzunoglu, E; Parmentier, G; Andoniu, A; Quéméner, Y; Chen, KC; Vhanmane, S; Negi, A; Parihar, Y; Villavicencio, R; Parsoya, V; Peng, L; Yue, J;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: 17th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, IMAM 2017 in Maritime Transportation and Harvesting of Sea Resources, VOLUME: 1
AUTHORS: Rörup, J; Garbatov, Y; Dong, Y; Uzunoglu, E; Parmentier, G; Andoniu, A; Quéméner, Y; Chen, KC; Vhanmane, S; Negi, A; Parihar, Y; Villavicencio, R; Parsoya, V; Peng, L; Yue, J;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: 17th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, IMAM 2017 in Maritime Transportation and Harvesting of Sea Resources, VOLUME: 1