TITLE: Properties of rocks and rock masses: Physical properties; deformation and rupture under static and dynamic, tectonic or artificial actions; influence of water; alterations [Proprietes des roches et des massifs rocheux: Propriétés physiques; déformation et rupture sous des actions statiques et dynamiques tectoniques ou artificielles; influence de l'Eau, altération]
AUTHORS: Coates, D; Nunes, AC; Habib, P; Cook, N; Serafim, JL; Capdecomme, L; Geertsma, J; Deklotz, E; Lotti, C; Rodrigues, P; Goffi, L; Haefeli, R; Seeber, G; Broms, B; Bo, H; Drozd, K; Skempton, A; Lundorg, N; Bernaix, J; Militzer, H; Peironcely, J; Wiseman, G; Gilo, B; Langer, M; Gramberg, J; Fumagalli, E; Lopes, B; Dvořák, A; Ladanyi, B; Grossmann, N; D'Ureña, R; Glucklich, J; Magar, K; Lane, K; Uriel, S; Legrand, B; Zienkiewicz, O; Olsen, O; Bollo, M; Trollope, D; Milovanović, ; Bieniawski, Z; Henning, D; Müller, L; Langendonck, T; Houpert, R; Duffaut, P; Ch Mallet; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1966, SOURCE: 1st International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Congress, ISRM 1966 in 1st ISRM Congress 1966