Cristiano Mostarda
AuthID: R-00H-W37
TITLE: Parasympathetic Nervous System withdrawal in patients with Interstitial Lung Disease but not in COPD patients Full Text
AUTHORS: Katya Rigatto; Ana Amelia M Machado Duarte; Cristiano Mostarda; Paulo Jose Z Zimermann Teixeira;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 28th International Congress of the European-Respiratory-Society (ERS) in EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, VOLUME: 52
AUTHORS: Katya Rigatto; Ana Amelia M Machado Duarte; Cristiano Mostarda; Paulo Jose Z Zimermann Teixeira;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 28th International Congress of the European-Respiratory-Society (ERS) in EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, VOLUME: 52