A. Boudeffa
AuthID: R-00J-2ET
TITLE: Integrating and deploying heterogeneous components by means of a microservices architecture in the CROSSMINER project
AUTHORS: Boudeffa, A; Abherve, A; Bagnato, A; Ruscio, DD; Mateus, M; Almeida, B;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations, STAF 2019 - Co-located Joint Events: 1st Junior Researcher Community Event, 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Design-Runtime Interaction in Complex Systems, and 1st Research Project Showcase Workshop in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, VOLUME: 2405
AUTHORS: Boudeffa, A; Abherve, A; Bagnato, A; Ruscio, DD; Mateus, M; Almeida, B;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations, STAF 2019 - Co-located Joint Events: 1st Junior Researcher Community Event, 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Design-Runtime Interaction in Complex Systems, and 1st Research Project Showcase Workshop in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, VOLUME: 2405