TITLE: The effects of topical antibiotics on eradication and acquisition of third-generation cephalosporin and carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria in ICU patients; a post hoc analysis from a multicentre cluster-randomized trial
AUTHORS: Plantinga, NL; Wittekamp, BHJ; Brun Buisson, C; Bonten, MJM; Cooper, BS; Coll, P; Lopez Contreras, J; Mancebo, J; Wise, MP; Morgan, MPG; Depuydt, P; Boelens, J; Dugernier, T; Verbelen, V; Jorens, PG; Verbrugghe, W; Malhotra Kumar, S; Damas, P; Meex, C; Leleu, K; van den Abeele, AM; Esteves, F; de Matos, AFGP; Torres, A; Méndez, SF; Gomez, AV; Tomic, V; Sifrer, F; Tello, EV; Ramos, JR; Aragao, I; Santos, C; Sperning, RHM; Coppadoro, P; Nardi, G; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: Clinical Microbiology and Infection