C. Ombrouck
AuthID: R-00J-4TE
TITLE: Use of cross-reactive antigens of the microsporidian Glugea atherinae for the possible detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusi by western blot
AUTHORS: Ombrouck, C; Romestand, B; Correia da Costa, JM; Desportes Livage, I; Datry, A; Coste, F; Bouix, G; Gentilini, M;
PUBLISHED: 1995, SOURCE: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, VOLUME: 52, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Ombrouck, C; Romestand, B; Correia da Costa, JM; Desportes Livage, I; Datry, A; Coste, F; Bouix, G; Gentilini, M;
PUBLISHED: 1995, SOURCE: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, VOLUME: 52, ISSUE: 1