J. A. Fern?Ndez-Higuero
AuthID: R-00J-5DE
TITLE: Structural analysis of APOB variants, p.(Arg3527Gln), p.(Arg1164Thr) and p.(Gln4494del), causing Familial Hypercholesterolaemia provides novel insights into variant pathogenicity Full Text
AUTHORS: Fernández-Higuero, JA; Etxebarria, A; Benito-Vicente, A; Alves, AC; Arrondo, JLR; Ostolaza, H; Bourbon, M; Martin, C;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Sci. Rep. - Scientific Reports, VOLUME: 5
AUTHORS: Fernández-Higuero, JA; Etxebarria, A; Benito-Vicente, A; Alves, AC; Arrondo, JLR; Ostolaza, H; Bourbon, M; Martin, C;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Sci. Rep. - Scientific Reports, VOLUME: 5