A. Colombelli
AuthID: R-00J-66W
TITLE: Entrepreneurship education ecosystems in engineering and technology (E4T)
AUTHORS: Varano, M; Kähkönen, E; Aarnio, H; Clavert, M; Kaulio, M; Thorén, K; Haenen, C; Van Petegem, W; Colombelli, A; Sansone, G; Raguseo, E; Paolucci, E; Scharnagl, E; Mendes, R; De Oliveira, LC; Fergus, S; Brennan, R;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Engineering Education Excellence in Proceedings of the 46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Engineering Education Excellence
AUTHORS: Varano, M; Kähkönen, E; Aarnio, H; Clavert, M; Kaulio, M; Thorén, K; Haenen, C; Van Petegem, W; Colombelli, A; Sansone, G; Raguseo, E; Paolucci, E; Scharnagl, E; Mendes, R; De Oliveira, LC; Fergus, S; Brennan, R;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Engineering Education Excellence in Proceedings of the 46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Engineering Education Excellence