B. ?. Raghallaigh
AuthID: R-00J-7DN
TITLE: All together now: The living audio dataset
AUTHORS: Braude, DA; Aylett, MP; Laoide Kemp, C; Ashby, S; Scott, KM; Raghallaigh, BÓ; Braudo, A; Brouwer, A; Stan, A;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association: Crossroads of Speech and Language, INTERSPEECH 2019 in Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, VOLUME: 2019-September
AUTHORS: Braude, DA; Aylett, MP; Laoide Kemp, C; Ashby, S; Scott, KM; Raghallaigh, BÓ; Braudo, A; Brouwer, A; Stan, A;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association: Crossroads of Speech and Language, INTERSPEECH 2019 in Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, VOLUME: 2019-September