N. Luesebrink
AuthID: R-00J-8BX
TITLE: Evaluation of dietary treatment and amino acid supplementation in organic acidurias and urea-cycle disorders: On the basis of information from a European multicenter registry Full Text
AUTHORS: Femke Molema; Florian Gleich; Peter Burgard; Ans T van der Ploeg; Marshall L Summar; Kimberly A Chapman; Ivo Baric; Allan M Lund; Stefan Koelker; Monique Williams; Hoerster, F; Jelsig, AM; de Lonlay, P; Wijburg, FA; Bosch, A; Freisinger, P; Posset, R; Augoustides Savvopoulou, P; Avram, P; Deleanu, C; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: International Conference on Ureagenesis Defects - Novel Models and Treatment Options in JOURNAL OF INHERITED METABOLIC DISEASE, VOLUME: 42, ISSUE: 6
AUTHORS: Femke Molema; Florian Gleich; Peter Burgard; Ans T van der Ploeg; Marshall L Summar; Kimberly A Chapman; Ivo Baric; Allan M Lund; Stefan Koelker; Monique Williams; Hoerster, F; Jelsig, AM; de Lonlay, P; Wijburg, FA; Bosch, A; Freisinger, P; Posset, R; Augoustides Savvopoulou, P; Avram, P; Deleanu, C; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: International Conference on Ureagenesis Defects - Novel Models and Treatment Options in JOURNAL OF INHERITED METABOLIC DISEASE, VOLUME: 42, ISSUE: 6