I. Zankof
AuthID: R-00J-AHJ
TITLE: Frost, far-infrared observation spectroscopy telescopes
AUTHORS: de Marco, G; Knutsen, EW; Bolart, C; Breuhaus, M; Estanqueiro, L; Fröhlich, C; Guyot, M; Hegyesi, B; Lauksio, V; Owe, SH; Pinzón Rodriguez, O; Price, O; Wagner, S; Zankof, I; Ziebart, M; López Contreras, E;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 70th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2019 in Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, VOLUME: 2019-October
AUTHORS: de Marco, G; Knutsen, EW; Bolart, C; Breuhaus, M; Estanqueiro, L; Fröhlich, C; Guyot, M; Hegyesi, B; Lauksio, V; Owe, SH; Pinzón Rodriguez, O; Price, O; Wagner, S; Zankof, I; Ziebart, M; López Contreras, E;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 70th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2019 in Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, VOLUME: 2019-October