P. Ko?Mehl
AuthID: R-00J-BQ5
TITLE: Quality of life in subjects with upper- And lower-limb spasticity treated with incobotulinumtoxinA Full Text
AUTHORS: Fheodoroff, K; Rekand, T; Medeiros, L; Koßmehl, P; Wissel, J; Bensmail, D; Scheschonka, A; Flatau Baqué, B; Simon, O; Dressler, D; Simpson, DM;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, VOLUME: 18, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Fheodoroff, K; Rekand, T; Medeiros, L; Koßmehl, P; Wissel, J; Bensmail, D; Scheschonka, A; Flatau Baqué, B; Simon, O; Dressler, D; Simpson, DM;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, VOLUME: 18, ISSUE: 1