S. Koppikar
AuthID: R-00J-KY2
TITLE: Evolving psychosocial, emotional, functional, and support needs of women with advanced breast cancer (ABC) in Asia and Middle East (ME): Results from the Count Us, Know Us, Join Us (CUKUJU) survey
AUTHORS: Ripley, A; Lehr, J; Shaalan, M; Koppikar, S; Gupta, V; Gao, M; Abdelbaky, N; Cardoso, F;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: European Journal of Cancer, VOLUME: 138
AUTHORS: Ripley, A; Lehr, J; Shaalan, M; Koppikar, S; Gupta, V; Gao, M; Abdelbaky, N; Cardoso, F;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: European Journal of Cancer, VOLUME: 138