Daniel Hagimont
AuthID: R-00J-Q8K
TITLE: PerDiS: Design, Implementation, and Use of a PERsistent DIstributed Store
AUTHORS: Paulo Ferreira ; Marc Shapiro; Xavier Blondel; Olivier Fambon; João Garcia; Sytse Kloosterman; Nicolas Richer; Marcus Roberts; Fadi Sandakly; George Coulouris; Jean Dollimore; Paulo Guedes; Daniel Hagimont; Sacha Krakowiak;
PUBLISHED: 1999, SOURCE: Advances in Distributed Systems, Advanced Distributed Computing: From Algorithms to Systems, VOLUME: 1752
AUTHORS: Paulo Ferreira ; Marc Shapiro; Xavier Blondel; Olivier Fambon; João Garcia; Sytse Kloosterman; Nicolas Richer; Marcus Roberts; Fadi Sandakly; George Coulouris; Jean Dollimore; Paulo Guedes; Daniel Hagimont; Sacha Krakowiak;
PUBLISHED: 1999, SOURCE: Advances in Distributed Systems, Advanced Distributed Computing: From Algorithms to Systems, VOLUME: 1752