I. Erdem
AuthID: R-00J-VNE
TITLE: Modelling of the rehydration process of dried broccoli (Brassica Oleracea L. var. Italica) stems
AUTHORS: Erdem, I; Silva, CLM;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry, FOODSIM 2020 in 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry, FOODSIM 2020
AUTHORS: Erdem, I; Silva, CLM;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry, FOODSIM 2020 in 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry, FOODSIM 2020