P. Krivorotko
AuthID: R-00J-WBH
TITLE: Surgical management of the axilla in clinically node‐positive breast cancer patients converting to clinical node negativity through neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Current status, knowledge gaps, and rationale for the eubreast‐03 axsana study
AUTHORS: Banys‐paluchowski, M; Gasparri, ML; de Boniface, J; Gentilini, O; Stickeler, E; Hartmann, S; Thill, M; Rubio, IT; Micco, RD; Bonci, EA; Niinikoski, L; Kontos, M; Cakmak, GK; Hauptmann, M; Peintinger, F; Pinto, D; Matrai, Z; Murawa, D; Kadayaprath, G; Dostalek, L; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: Cancers, VOLUME: 13, ISSUE: 7
AUTHORS: Banys‐paluchowski, M; Gasparri, ML; de Boniface, J; Gentilini, O; Stickeler, E; Hartmann, S; Thill, M; Rubio, IT; Micco, RD; Bonci, EA; Niinikoski, L; Kontos, M; Cakmak, GK; Hauptmann, M; Peintinger, F; Pinto, D; Matrai, Z; Murawa, D; Kadayaprath, G; Dostalek, L; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: Cancers, VOLUME: 13, ISSUE: 7