A. K. P. Nasution
AuthID: R-00J-WEZ
TITLE: Geogebra assisted blended learning on students' spatial geometry ability Full Text
AUTHORS: Daulay, LA; Syafipah, ; Nasution, AKP; Tohir, M ; Simamora, Y; Saragih, RMB;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: 2nd International Conference on Lesson Study of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 2020, ICOLSSTEM 2020 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, VOLUME: 1839, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Daulay, LA; Syafipah, ; Nasution, AKP; Tohir, M ; Simamora, Y; Saragih, RMB;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: 2nd International Conference on Lesson Study of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 2020, ICOLSSTEM 2020 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, VOLUME: 1839, ISSUE: 1