S. K?Lker
AuthID: R-00J-WTE
TITLE: Phenotype, treatment practice and outcome in the cobalamin-dependent remethylation disorders and MTHFR deficiency: data from the E-HOD registry Full Text
AUTHORS: Huemer, M; Diodato, D; Martinelli, D; Olivieri, G; Blom, H; Gleich, F; Kölker, S; Kožich, V; Morris, AA; Seifert, B; Froese, DS; Baumgartner, MR; Dionisi Vici, C; Alcalde Martin, C; Baethmann, M; Ballhausen, D; Blasco Alonso, J; Boy, N; Bueno, M; Burgos Peláez, R; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease
AUTHORS: Huemer, M; Diodato, D; Martinelli, D; Olivieri, G; Blom, H; Gleich, F; Kölker, S; Kožich, V; Morris, AA; Seifert, B; Froese, DS; Baumgartner, MR; Dionisi Vici, C; Alcalde Martin, C; Baethmann, M; Ballhausen, D; Blasco Alonso, J; Boy, N; Bueno, M; Burgos Peláez, R; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease