A. de Magalh?Es Ribeiro
AuthID: R-00K-JT4
TITLE: Bone density and fall risk screening in Algarve: A preliminary study
AUTHORS: Ribeiro, LPV; João, P; Abrantes, AFCL; de Magalhães Ribeiro, A; Vicente, BIC; de Almeida, RPP; Gonçalves, T; Ferreira, MA; Farinha, MC; Azevedo, KB;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: Integrated Care and Fall Prevention in Active and Healthy Aging
AUTHORS: Ribeiro, LPV; João, P; Abrantes, AFCL; de Magalhães Ribeiro, A; Vicente, BIC; de Almeida, RPP; Gonçalves, T; Ferreira, MA; Farinha, MC; Azevedo, KB;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: Integrated Care and Fall Prevention in Active and Healthy Aging