?. Canbay
AuthID: R-00K-M8A
TITLE: Back home full in oxygen after Antalya: A report of the European Airway Conference 2023
AUTHORS: Sorbello, M; Saracoglu, KT; Cortese, G; Onrubia, X; Pereira, AI; Canbay, Ö; Saracoglu, A; Michalek, P; Mora, PC; Timmermann, A; Robert, G;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, VOLUME: 47
AUTHORS: Sorbello, M; Saracoglu, KT; Cortese, G; Onrubia, X; Pereira, AI; Canbay, Ö; Saracoglu, A; Michalek, P; Mora, PC; Timmermann, A; Robert, G;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, VOLUME: 47