J. Sellar?S
AuthID: R-00K-MJH
TITLE: Characterisation of the coexistence between sarcoidosis and Sjögren's syndrome. Analysis of 43 patients
AUTHORS: Flores Chavez, A; Ng, WF; Alunno, A; Inanc, N; Feijoo Massó, C; Seror, R; Hernandez Molina, G; Devauchelle Pensec, V; Hofauer, B; Pasoto, SG; Robles, A; Akasbi, M; López Dupla, M; Retamozo, S; Bandeira, M; Romão, VC; Carubbi, F; Loaiza Cabello, D; García Morillo, JS; Benegas, M; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Clinical and experimental rheumatology, VOLUME: 40, ISSUE: 12
AUTHORS: Flores Chavez, A; Ng, WF; Alunno, A; Inanc, N; Feijoo Massó, C; Seror, R; Hernandez Molina, G; Devauchelle Pensec, V; Hofauer, B; Pasoto, SG; Robles, A; Akasbi, M; López Dupla, M; Retamozo, S; Bandeira, M; Romão, VC; Carubbi, F; Loaiza Cabello, D; García Morillo, JS; Benegas, M; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Clinical and experimental rheumatology, VOLUME: 40, ISSUE: 12