V. A. B. D. Mendon?A
AuthID: R-00K-NC2
TITLE: Factors Associated with the Lifestyle of Pediatric Healthcare Professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic
AUTHORS: Coutinho, MO; Cavalcante Neto, JL; Souza, LHR; Mercês, MCD; Fernandes, DV; Leite, CCF; Portella, DDA; Draghi, TTG; Santos, KA; Costa, LEL; Macêdo, LLDS; Correia, LDS; Barbosa, CDS; Santana, AIC; Oliveira, LSD; Nascimento, MMD; Silva, RADS; Calheiros, DDS; Mendonça, VABD; Mussi, RFDF; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, VOLUME: 20, ISSUE: 3
AUTHORS: Coutinho, MO; Cavalcante Neto, JL; Souza, LHR; Mercês, MCD; Fernandes, DV; Leite, CCF; Portella, DDA; Draghi, TTG; Santos, KA; Costa, LEL; Macêdo, LLDS; Correia, LDS; Barbosa, CDS; Santana, AIC; Oliveira, LSD; Nascimento, MMD; Silva, RADS; Calheiros, DDS; Mendonça, VABD; Mussi, RFDF; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, VOLUME: 20, ISSUE: 3