Andrei Ciuparu
AuthID: R-00K-NPX
TITLE: Cortical-bulbar feedback supports behavioral flexibility during rule-reversal
AUTHORS: Trejo, Diego E. Hernandez; Ciuparu, Andrei; da Silva, Pedro Garcia; Velasquez, Cristina M.; Davis, Martin B.; Muresan, Raul C.; Albeanu, Dinu F.;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 44th Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Chemoreception-Sciences in CHEMICAL SENSES, VOLUME: 47
AUTHORS: Trejo, Diego E. Hernandez; Ciuparu, Andrei; da Silva, Pedro Garcia; Velasquez, Cristina M.; Davis, Martin B.; Muresan, Raul C.; Albeanu, Dinu F.;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 44th Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Chemoreception-Sciences in CHEMICAL SENSES, VOLUME: 47