TITLE: Comparison of 16 national methods in the life cycle assessment of carbon storage in wood products in a reference building
AUTHORS: Ouellet Plamondon, CM; Balouktsi, M; Delem, L; Foliente, G; Francart, N; Garcia Martinez, A; Hoxha, E; Lützkendorf, T; Nygaard Rasmussen, F; Peuportier, B; Butler, J; Birgisdottir, H; Bragança, L; Dowdell, D; Dixit, M; Gomes, V; Gomes da Silva, M; Carlos Gómez, J; Kjendseth Wiik, M; Carmen Llatas Olivier, M; Mateus, R; Pulgrossi, LM; Röck, M; Ruschi Mendes Saade, M; Passer, A; Satola, D; Seo, S; Soust Verdaguer, B; Veselka, J; Volf, M; Zhang, X; Frischknecht, R; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2024, SOURCE: 2024 World Sustainable Built Environment Conference, WSBE 2024 in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, VOLUME: 1363, ISSUE: 1