G. Arag?N Caqueo
AuthID: R-00K-S0C
TITLE: Us versus them mentality in football fans: Significant social defeat engages the mentalization network and disengages cognitive control areas
AUTHORS: Zamorano, F; Carvajal Paredes, P; Soto Icaza, P; Stecher, X; Salinas, C; Muñoz Reyes, JA; López, V; Méndez, W; Barrera, J; Aragón Caqueo, G; Billeke, P;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: F1000Research, VOLUME: 11
AUTHORS: Zamorano, F; Carvajal Paredes, P; Soto Icaza, P; Stecher, X; Salinas, C; Muñoz Reyes, JA; López, V; Méndez, W; Barrera, J; Aragón Caqueo, G; Billeke, P;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: F1000Research, VOLUME: 11