M. Sandie
AuthID: R-00K-VMD
TITLE: Enhancing Market Readiness for nZEB Implementation
AUTHORS: Aelenei, L.; Croitoru, C.; Korczak, K.; Petran, H.; O'Rourke Potockis, H.; Tzanev, D.; Sandie, M.; Mandic, D.; Goncalves, H.; Duarte, P.; Trindade, P.; Loureiro, D.;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 8th Conference of the Sustainable-Solutions-for-Energy-and-Environment (EENVIRO) in 8TH CONFERENCE OF THE SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT EENVIRO 2022, VOLUME: 1185, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Aelenei, L.; Croitoru, C.; Korczak, K.; Petran, H.; O'Rourke Potockis, H.; Tzanev, D.; Sandie, M.; Mandic, D.; Goncalves, H.; Duarte, P.; Trindade, P.; Loureiro, D.;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 8th Conference of the Sustainable-Solutions-for-Energy-and-Environment (EENVIRO) in 8TH CONFERENCE OF THE SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT EENVIRO 2022, VOLUME: 1185, ISSUE: 1