TITLE: Integration of thermo-electric coolers into the CMS MTD SiPM arrays for operation under high neutron fluence
AUTHORS: Bornheim, A; Lustermann, W; Stachon, K; Reales Gutiérrez, G; Benaglia, A; De Guio, F; Ghezzi, A; Lucchini, MT; Malberti, M; Palluotto, S; Tabarelli De Fatis, T; Benettoni, M; Carlin, R; Tosi, M; Rossin, R; Meridiani, P; Paramatti, R; Santanastasio, F; Silva, JC; Varela, J; Heering, A; Karneyeu, A; Musienko, Y; Wayne, M; Anderson, T; Cox, B; Perez Lara, CE; Ledovskoy, A; White, S; Schmidt, I; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: Journal of Instrumentation, VOLUME: 18, ISSUE: 8