Bjorn Ordoubadian
AuthID: R-00K-ZBK
TITLE: Outcomes of the PERIOD project on In-Space Manufacturing, Assembly and Refuelling Technologies
AUTHORS: Estable, Stephane; Ahrns, Ingo; Regele, Ralf; Jankovic, Marko; Brinkmann, Wiebke; Gancet, Jeremi; Barrio, A. M.; Leiter, Pierre; Colmenero, Francisco J.; Ampe, Annelies; Ordoubadian, Bjorn; Chamos, Apostolos; Caujolle, Romain; Silveira, Daniel; Soto, Isabel; Shilton, Mark; Vogel, Torsten; Bartsch, Sebastian; Manz, Marc;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 12th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space for opening New Horizons in 12TH EASN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION IN AVIATION & SPACE FOR OPENING NEW HORIZONS, VOLUME: 2526, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Estable, Stephane; Ahrns, Ingo; Regele, Ralf; Jankovic, Marko; Brinkmann, Wiebke; Gancet, Jeremi; Barrio, A. M.; Leiter, Pierre; Colmenero, Francisco J.; Ampe, Annelies; Ordoubadian, Bjorn; Chamos, Apostolos; Caujolle, Romain; Silveira, Daniel; Soto, Isabel; Shilton, Mark; Vogel, Torsten; Bartsch, Sebastian; Manz, Marc;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 12th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space for opening New Horizons in 12TH EASN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION IN AVIATION & SPACE FOR OPENING NEW HORIZONS, VOLUME: 2526, ISSUE: 1