João Carlos de Oliveira Moreira Freire
AuthID: R-000-6VC
TITLE: Deontological and methodological research questions in portuguese sociology of professions
AUTHORS: Veloso, L; Freire, J; Oliveira, L; Lopes, N;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: The Trend Towards the European Deregulation of Professions and its Impact on Portugal Under Crisis
AUTHORS: Veloso, L; Freire, J; Oliveira, L; Lopes, N;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: The Trend Towards the European Deregulation of Professions and its Impact on Portugal Under Crisis

TITLE: Questões deontológicas e de metodologia de investigação em sociologia: o caso do interesse público e das profissões
AUTHORS: Luísa Veloso; João Freire; Luísa Oliveira; Noémia Lopes;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas - Sociologia PP, VOLUME: 2012, ISSUE: 69
AUTHORS: Luísa Veloso; João Freire; Luísa Oliveira; Noémia Lopes;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas - Sociologia PP, VOLUME: 2012, ISSUE: 69