Nuno Filipe Pires Lopes
AuthID: R-002-H7K
TITLE: Hydrotherapy in the 1st stage of labor and its pain relief effects: a scoping review
AUTHORS: Filipa Lopes; Alexandra Tereso; Maria Alice Curado; Helena Bertolo; Lucinda Carvalhal; Rute Guterres;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: Joint Congress of 3rd International Congress of CiiEM Research and Innovation in Human and Health Sciences and the 3rd World Congress of the UNESCO Chair for Teaching and Research in Digital Anatomy Paris Descartes in ANNALS OF MEDICINE, VOLUME: 51
AUTHORS: Filipa Lopes; Alexandra Tereso; Maria Alice Curado; Helena Bertolo; Lucinda Carvalhal; Rute Guterres;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: Joint Congress of 3rd International Congress of CiiEM Research and Innovation in Human and Health Sciences and the 3rd World Congress of the UNESCO Chair for Teaching and Research in Digital Anatomy Paris Descartes in ANNALS OF MEDICINE, VOLUME: 51